The house purchase
Wahey! We are now the proud owners of a little house in New Bradwell. It is rather little, but it's ours. The downside is that we have to pay rent on our previous place until 6 November, so we have an overlap and certainly no money to meet it. Overdraft, anyone?
On 8 October (yes - Björn's birthday), we moved the furniture with the aid of members of our church cell group and a hired van. That night was the first night we slept there. We have since unpacked almost everything - just the conservatory and the thrid bedroom need work at this stage. It'll have to wait a little, though! The past two weekends have been spent doing house-things, and we have promised the boys that this weekend will be filled with family things. We do need to get them each gloves and things - the clocks are going back on Sunday (23 october) - always a sign that the morning journey to school is going to be cold - but apart from that, it's going to be swimming and badminton and movies and stuff. Bring it on!
Of course, Sod's Law being what it is, the microwave has packed up, as has Björn's bike - right now when we can least afford it. Oh, well... Björn is taking John's bike to and from school, while John is using Karyn's to get to the station and back (he is less worried about being seen on a "girl's" bike!). As to the microwave, we have just had to remember how to get by without it for now.