Saturday, June 30, 2007

The end of an era

I thought I would add a quick post to mark the end of an era. Torvy has finally (aged not quite 14) ousted most of his stuffed toys. They have been languishing in the bottom of his wardrobe for some time, but tonight the axe finally fell for all but a select few, including Nala, his first ever stuffed toy. Should the day ever come that she gets the chop, I shall secrete her in my wardrobe until his own children come along. After all, Björn still has Tender Bear, and the same rule applies to him. Not to mention the fact that we still have John's 46 year old Scruffy Bear!

I confess to a lump in my throat at the sight of the toys piled up in the passage. They made a sizeable pile and it was a slightly pathetic sight. He has loved stuffed animals with such disregard for popular opinion that I recognise it as a milestone that he now feels he has outgrown them


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