Torvald's news
Now that we are in the new house, Torvy has to take a bus to school. For a little guy who struggles with change, this was an enormous undertaking, but he has coped beautifully with the situation. Just this very day, we heard from his teacher that he is a pleasure to teach - no trouble at all and great to have in the class. This is the sort of news every parent wants to hear! Way to go, Torvy!
Torvy is not a very sporty boy, but he takes part when he gets the opportunity. He does football after school, but didn't make the team. He isn’t particularly driven or competitive, so we're just happy that he takes part.
His feet are now larger than his Mom's, and he is growing fast, but he still has a little boy's face. He hasn't hit the growth spurt stage that his older brother has reached, so the height gap between the two boys has widened over the past year. It remains to be seen what happens when he hits his teens.
Like Björn, he is also taking guitar lessons, but he preferred an accoustic guitar, so we bought him one of those. He practises a bit more than Björn, but still not often enough. We are really hoping that music will turn out to be his passion. He has never yet found something that ignites him. This makes it tough for him in a family with so many passions, pastimes and hobbies.
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