Tuesday, September 19, 2006

So now he's 13

There seems to be a lot of news about Torvy at the moment, and this post is yet another of those. For those who don't know - he became a teenager this Saturday past (16 September). So here's a quick catch-up about our newest teenager. Here you see him on the phone to one of his well-wishers. He has a habit of pacing when he is on the phone and covers fair distances during longer calls!

He is 157cm tall and weighs 47kgs. He has masses of slightly curly or very wavy golden brown hair that hangs down to his shoulders. He still has a very elfin face, but we're expecting that to change over the next year as testosterone has its wicked way with his features. We will all be sorry to see the that nose go, including Torvy himself - he has always had the neatest, most beautiful little nose in the family. Genes have not been kind to the rest of us in the olfactory area - it remains to be seen if Torvy will escape unscathed in that department!

He plays the guitar, and is quite a talented musician, having a good ear. He is planning to buy a bass guitar with his birthday money and start improving on that instrument, too.

He is not very sporty, but would like to join a gym. There is a kid's gym at school, but it's private and costs a fair amount to join. We shall have to see whether we can make the numbers work.

He is a responsible little boy, who steps up to the oche and takes ownership of whatever he is given to do (although not always cheerfully). He tends to pessimism and is a real worry-wart. He has the wackiest sense of humour and has been known to reduce the family to helpless heaps of hilarity.


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