Monday, May 01, 2006


Last night, Björn and Chrissy broke up. He's putting a brave face on it, but they've been going out for 8 months, which is a fair time for kids of their age, so it isn't easy.

John and I saw the writing on the wall a while ago. It had reached the point where the relationship seemed to be about the relationship. Instead of talking about things they had done or wanted to do, movies they had seen, digital games they had played, they seemed to be stuck in a destructive cycle of talking about their relationship. Again and again they went back over old ground - worrying at the wound on the time Chrissy strayed a little. Of course, no wound was ever going to heal under those circumstances.

It's best that they should move on. Of course, it's going to be a little uncomfortable at church and youth for a while, but this can't be avoided and they're not the first to go through it.

It's not easy being a parent under these circumstances - we just have to provide him with a safe environment in which to be vulnerable for a while.


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